Sunday, February 26, 2006

Blummin 'eck

You lovely readers are probably awaiting an update from the continent of jungle music, well.. it's not going to happen.. not yet.

Here's a little update..

I left the house after writing the last blog, waited for Martyna at Metro Ratusz, called her to ask her where the hell she was, turns out she's waiting at Kino Femina (it's one tram stop apart) but what she's doing there.. I don't know! So I tell her, if I am on the no.26 tram.. jump on it. Turns out a no.26 has just left before I get to the little platform and she embarks it and rings me to see if I'm on it.. I say no, she gets off it but bloody hell, now we're two tram stops apart. I jump on the next tram heading her direction but there's one of the ticket control guys on it and as I never have a ticket, find it a wise decision to jump off... fuck my ankle up a bit in the process though.

Finally get up to Wola Ratusz to meet her and then get the tram no.26.. by the way for hitchhikers this is how you should get to the hitching place West...

Tram no.26 from Ratusz metro stop
Tram no.10 from Central Station

until the stop "Fort Wola" then walk over to the bus stop and get 713 until it leaves the main road (2nd last stop)

713 was bloody late, so we ended up waiting at the bus stop for a chuffing long time.. hitching wasn't a big problem, it took about 30 minutes to get a ride to Poznan... it's normally a bit faster but there was a single girl hitching just behind us, so she stole our ride.. still, I bet she had to give head ;-).

The driver is taking quite a slow route to Poznan so we decide to get off at the Toll (bit where you pay) on the Konin-Pniewy motorway, within seconds we got a lift from two gay guys in a van.. YMCA came on the radio, they loved it.

They dropped us off at the motorway services just before Poznan.. I always end up there grrr, not that many people use the motorway in Poland so it's a bit of a pain in the arse to get a lift there.. finally got a lift from a trucker heading to Bremerhaven in Germany.. legendary guy but because it was the weekend he couldn't travel on the motorway there, so was heading to Nevada (it's a great trucking stop just before the border).. beer for 3zl and cheap grub, I love the place. I'd had a few beers that I bought in Warsaw, on the way to Nevada.. so I was well up for some drinking by the time we arrived. Got out on the road after 4 hours of drinking with the guy, decided it was time for some food.. so just popped across to the place on the other side of the road and ordered some Bigos and Potatoes plus.. some eggy soup, great! I love this place.

Tried hitching for a bit but decided to go into the petrol station and ask drivers, got a ride from this chap in a BMW playing metal :-), nice guy... he was heading to Hannover, poor guy got pulled for speeding just on the other side of the German border (on the autobahn) and fined 200 euros, the police are a bit cuntish around there, always looking for polish drivers to fine because there are certain areas of the motorway where you can only go 130km. We missed the turning to Konigs Wusterhausen because Martyna was sleeping and the driver thought I was insane... I'm like cekaj, martyna wakey wakey, pomoc pomoc kurwa! (translates to wait, martyna wakey wakey, help, help, whore) lol, anyway the guy drove on to the next petrol station and we hopped over the motorway to the other side and hitched a ride from another pole, back up to the Konigs Wusterhausen exit. The guy asks where we want to go and I'm like "right", martyna for some reason tells him to go left.. bloody useless that girl! So we have to walk back another km and then towards the S-bahn in Konigs Wusterhausen, I'm getting a bit ill now.. coughing lots of phlem up, we popped into a petrol station and I asked a guy if he was going anywhere near an S-bahn stop.

I hate asking germans questions, if you ask anyone else they're like "yes" or "no".. these guys get a map out, start drawing scales on the floor with their feet and what not. After 10 minutes of fooling around, basically the guy is going. The lad in the front doesn't look too well, he's sleeping in a "I'm a bit of heroin addict" way. Turns out he's been at a party and had a few too many, didn't quite realise how many until he winds down the window and pukes this red stuff all over Martyna's window.. lovely, she deserved that haha!!

Got the S-bahn up to Wedding where Perry my mate and host is at, but I'm feeling well shit, shivering and sweating and coughing up a lot of crap. Meet some guy at the s-bahn who wants a fag, he speaks in a really shit Brummy accent, would be good company for Alexei! Eventually Perry turns up, he's a legend that chap.. takes us to the place where the party is at. We've got a bottle of vodka for him and so the party begins, some insanely drunk guy (non hc I will add), puts a plastic bag full of weed smoke over his head and starts trying to suffocate himself.. a total nut job. Perry's flat mate Krystof.. is like ok gay boy, get the bag off your head now.. he goes crazy "FUCK OFF ZISS IS MY PERFORMANCE".. it's nice to see the boys from Poznan (falk mit trabant and Jens), meet some new faces Gru, Krystof and another dude with glasses. The boy with the bag over his head buggers off on his bicycle, which makes for quite an intersting sight.

We pop back to a Kebab place and then go back to Perry's, boy I could do with a sleep I feel shit. I basically slept for 24 hours, woke up a few times, coughing and spluttering phlem ( i mean real dark green.. hardcore phlem and a bit of blood), got up once and fell over, shaking like a leaf (with a vacuum cleaner hovering over it) and sweating more than a sumo in a big microwave. In other words.. nicht healthy. The lovely Ieva, my mate from Lithuania pays Berlin a visit from Magdeburg, it's nice to see her.

Missed my flight to Spain during this sleeping lark, and decided to get the train back to Poland the next day.

Felt shit for the rest of the week, particularly on Friday when I wake up with a throbbing pain on one side of my face from my head to my teeth, swallow some pain killers and have a few beers but it still doesn't feel better.. I go to the dentist on Saturday and he gives me this kind of "bloody hell, been in a fight lately?" look, turns out my teeth don't close tight in the way they should, so they're all banging against each other causing pain, I need to get them straightened out with some braces (bollox I always took the piss out of kids with braces on.. calling them metal gob and waving magnets in their faces).

I go to the dentist today to meet the girl with the moulds, turns out she's Czech and doesn't speak any Polish or English, well what bloody use is that.. who does she cater for aliens?!?! So I'm heading back on Wednesday, bit annoying because my cold/cough thing is getting a bit better so I fancied going somewhere next week. Oh well, life is life (fucking hate that song)


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