Saturday, December 30, 2006

Monkey Business - France

Christmas was a bit crazy, usual polish christmas on the 24th, then a party at my place on the 25th involving lots of drunk Lithuanians force feeding me honey. Ah, it was a nice christmas but it ended up with a bit of a row with Sylwia after myself, Patrick and the Lithuanians had destroyed the kitchen and the toilet after a lot of cleaning up had taken place before christmas (kinda polish tradition, to clean your house insanely before christmas).

The next morning 26th (Boxing Day but the fighting was over!).. we somehow missed the bus going to the airport and it arrived at the airport at 8:45 (5 minutes after the last check in).. well we make a deal that I will run really quickly to get to the queue at the Etiuda Terminal and Sylwia will carry the bags and arrive later. We're pissed off to discover that the small road from the bus stop to the Etiuda Terminal is being dug up, I continue to run around this huge building site and Sylwia heads back trying to get to the Terminal over a bridge. I nearly get to the Terminal after about a 1km run only to discover that the small backpack that I'm carrying is open and my passport is not inside, I run back in search of it and eventually find my passport and her wallet lying on the road. I pick them up and run back again, only then do I realise how out of condition I am ;-), running with a hangover is never nice though.

I get to the terminal and Sylwia is already waiting there in the queue but it turns out it's the queue for a flight to Luton, I don't want to go there! Fuck! I ask the woman who is supposed to be on hand to help and she doesn't seem to know anything about a flight to Bologna, eventually the security guard points out to us that it's a Central Wings flight and it leaves from the main terminal where we dropped off by the bus in the first place! Crap! Leg it back to the original terminal (this time going Sylwia's route) , she starts shouting at an airport worker in a distressed way and the woman amazingly gets us through the check in (even though it's closed), we skip a queue at the passport control, fly through the customs and da da make it on to the bus leaving for the plane! Excellent and merry christmas to you!

Once we got up in the air, I couldn't look out of the window (I'm not scared of heights) but because of the hangover, I felt sick and dizzy at the blurred view of the sky.

Arrived in Bologna on time and amazingly my bank card starts working (it hasn't done this in Poland for a couple of days) but out comes a tasty 250 euros. Catch the airport bus to the train station for the horrendous price of 5 euros per person! Bologna looks nice from a bus driver's view but we only have time to buy tickets and have a bite to eat before catching a train to Milan. Sat opposite a woman who spoke Italian and German and kept on grinning like a Cheshire cat, she was as fat as one too - strange woman! Changed train in Milan and caught one heading for Nice, got off at Ventimiglia in the evening, this is where my dad said he would pick us up! Apparently it's not too far! Eventually he comes after an hour of waiting and it turns out he set off at 11.30am (8 and a half hours earlier), after a mammoth drive across the south of France, we get to my parents place at about 4.00 AM, greeted by mum with offers of food and drink!

4 days later and we've not been doing much, just walking, cycling, eating lots, drinking, watching television and visiting some of the small towns around here. All very picturesque but the prices are crazy. The place where they're living is called La Saut de La Mounine (The fall of the monkey), there's a huge cliff going into a river and supposedly someone threw a monkey off there to show their love for their partner. Bizarre.

Photos can be found here...


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