Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Lemon Tree Party in the Tonimobile - Stage 1.. Warsaw - Kaunas

Well on Tuesday 20th, Toni says to me "I'm bored in Warsaw and want to go somewhere", I said "let's go to Latvia, I need dictionaries and cigarettes", so we try to recruit a few more people and set off from Warsaw on Thursday morning, with a bag full of food, some CD's, me, toni, martyna and an englishman called Roy that Ula has sent to us..

Toni has a new style of driving, about 100km/hr slower than last year and Martyna's on the verge of giving birth to a german.. that's never good. We make it up to the Lithuanian border Ogrodniki by lunch time and head for Druskininkai.. which is going under an enormous amount of refurbishment. In fact the whole town was in a right old mess, but Toni took a few photos and the pregnant one went for a piss. After an hour there, we headed for the Soviet Park on the way to Merkine... plenty of Lenin/Stalin statues and even one of them wrapped up in huge black plastic bags which kind of gave the impression that Lenin was a kinky sod. It's a nice park, a little pricey to get in though.

Then up to Kaunas, Kruopa had sorted us some hosts out so I directed Toni to the supermarket near her house and we meet in the centre with Tuchkus & Ruta before heading to a "Jump Up" concert in a local bar. It's all very strange to be in Lithuania and not drinking btw.... Tomas later arrived, a cool young guy who hosted me and Roy. I've been to Kaunas quite a lot of times, so nothing special to go looking for.


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