Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Bratislava. eventually

My hosts from Roznov dropped me off in the early afternoon and I got a ride by some business man, then immediately picked up by some guy who was going to Bratislava. We passed over the Slovakia border, sold some batteries at a petrol station opposite the castle Elizabeth Bathory used to live in. Well that was quite fun, after that I learnt that the guy wasn't going direct but heading for the Hungarian border 100km from Bratislava, where he would visit his family. His family turned out to be a community of err hungarian/slovak gypsy's and some dreaded guys, there house was dedicated to marijuana. Well we smoked a couple of bongs full whilst sacredly watching the Ghana v Brazil game and then they went in search of more, they seemed to be having problems finding stuff.. so opted for cocaine instead, it looked like it was going to be a long dodgy night there because it was already 20:30, so I decided to leave them there and then and try and hitch to Bratislava. I got one ride eventually, 40km up the road and it was very dark, cars couldn't see me and were repeatedly shouting abuse at me, eventually I got a ride from a relatively old guy who called himself "John"... his son worked in England and after ringing my host, he decided to take me to his place, I was given an enormous chicken meal, bread, cucumber, tomatoes, beer, whiskey, an enormous bed in a seperate room and in the morning.. 2 red bulls, breakfast.Ha - the guy had a Rhodesian Ridgeback too, friendly guy but I reckon the AC-DC song "I've got big balls" was written about him, fucking gynormous conkers.

The next morning, I hitched up to Bratislava with one lift, after John had given me a lift to the hitching spot and given me 500 sk (it's about 18 euros), had a quick look around and joined my Lithuanian friend Kruopa at her hosts for a couple of beers.

Just about to go hitching to Wien..


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