Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Roznov Pod Rahostem

I'm now in the Czech countryside, in a town called Roznov.. i've not seen much of it yet because I arrived last night after an easy and rather uneventful hitch from Poland and my hospitality club hosts who are theatre actors took me to one of their rehearsals. A russian play called 5 matrioskas.. or something like that, anyway despite it being in Czech, it seemed pretty amusing. After that we hit the bar outside for a couple of cold ones, then went back to their house and spent the evening listening to metal, smoking a bit of weed and drinking plum brandy - fire water!

I woke up this morning and looked at my camera which had lots of strange photos on from the night before including a very artistic view of a cat's arse and another of the inside of my mouth. Well I'll stick them up on flickr when I have time, at the moment there is an insane thunder storm and I'm just supposed to get out on the road and hitch to Slovakia.


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