Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Campulung Moldovensc

I left Iasi kinda late because we woke up late and then went to Andra's house for some soup and to stroke her Schnauzer (Rudy, who is an insanely friendly dog!).. perfect soup by the way! When I hit the road, there was another guy hitching.. I thought I'd be at a slight advantage to him because I had some teeth but he caught the bus anyway in the end. I picked up a ride to Suceava, a town near the Ukraine border. Without my bank card, the chances of getting into Ukraine at the border were about 0, so I was heading over to the Halmeu border in the west where things are more relaxed.

From Suceava, a car took me to Gura Humorului.. the scenery up here is gorgeous and I highly recommend the area to everyone (except George Bush and Adam Ostrenga.. you are both wankers). A car stopped in Gura Humorului, an elderly couple who spoke only French and Romanian. My french is becoming terrible but I understood that she didn't want me hitching to Baia Mare at night.. so they took me to this cottage where I began to speak with two french girls. The french girls explained that the old woman said I could stay the night for free in the guesthouse that she ran. I was ushered to the kitchen where I was given a huge soup, lots of bread, some meat, some palinka (lethal romanian liquour), some water and some wine. I refused the alcohol as didn't know how it would react with the sensation of having drank the warm vodka... the soup was great!

After that, I was shown my room... which was amazing.. a huge comfortable bed and an enormous bathroom. I was offered all this for free, I would have actually given her some money had I not lost my bank card and not had any.


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