Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Iasi - Wup Wup Wup

Iasi is quite a nice town, I had an enjoyable stay.. with some Czech guys from HC who were also being hosted by Andra and Marius. We had a few beers and lots of joking about armpit hair.. men in Romania shave off their armpit hair you see, an idea which is particularly harmful to my mind! We met some Russian girls who were studying Romanian in Iasi and were also from HC and then some friends of Andra and Marius.... then went looking for a bar with a table football.

By the way - they have great Shoarma's in Iasi.. especially that one in the University Campus. The beer there is pretty cheap too.. the most expensive we paid was 2.5lei (it's about 60 cents).. the cheapest was 1.8 lei. Apart from the insane thunder storm, the city is a pretty good looking one... it also helps that the whole particularly beautiful female population don't seem to believe in wearing bras!! Men without armpit hair, girls without bra's.. it's the cultural centre of Moldavia and beats Barlad anyday!

The campus was a bit deserted and the bars kinda strange, insane Wup Wup music and hardcore porn playing at the same time. Whatever floats your boat. Anyway.. we decided to call it a night and head off home when Martin (one of the czech lads) goes for a piss, I smell bread and have a little wander into what looks like a factory. The idea at that time was to see if we could convince them to give us some free bread.. somehow I found this insane pub with about 4 people in, 3 guys insanely drunk, semi-naked and very friendly and one girl who was looking a bit embarassed (we decided that she was from Chisinau for some reason). They spent most of their time dancing to Wup Wup music (that balkan music where it's like Wup Wup Wup) and demonstrating their opinions on the Zidane-Materazzi incident in the world cup final.

We joined them for some beer and then I had the great idea.. let's get a shot of vodka. It was absolutely lethal and warm too - baaaaah, we all nearly died. Fucking disgraceful vodka, I can't remember the name of it though. There was one called Perfect though, and perfect it certainly wasn't.

Thanks to Andra and Marius.. I found the perfect hitching spot out of the city to Suceava.


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