Saturday, August 12, 2006

Earlier than expected in Cluj-Napoca *11/12 August*

We expected to arrive in Cluj tonight but we already arrived this morning. Setting off from Warsaw, we were a bit late after a late night the night before.. on the road at 9, there were 3 girls hitchhiking, followed by 2 polish girls - they both got rides before us.. finally after an hour, we got a ride to Radom.

Hitching from Radom was dreadful, firstly we were waiting in a rather poor place, just near the roundabout to hitch to Warsaw but in the direction of Rzeszow and Lublin, then we were told by a guy to get the bus no.21 until the roads seperated, this was a good piece of advice and recommend it to anyone else! Anyway.. it started to rain and no miserable Radom kurwa's wanted to stop.

After 3 hours, a Ukrainian truck stopped, a nice guy who offered us lots of sweets and biscuits, whilst playing mad Russian music.. he wanted to take us to Rzeszow but a smaller truck decided to stop directly in front of him, we had to swerve and managed to miss him more or less but destroyed the wing mirror on the truck, this pissed off the truck driver, he lost his concentration and that resulted in us getting lost.

The weather was bad, the roads were flooded and at 5.30, the truck had to stop for a few hours, so he dropped us off about 65km from Rzeszow at a petrol station, I managed to convince two guys to take us to Rzeszow...we waited there for about 15 minutes and no one stopped, so we went for something to eat and some beers and then I just stuck my thumb out at the end of the carpark as a joke. The car stopped and took us a few km's out of Rzeszow.. we then got a ride to Dukla by these insanely slow drivers who apparently were hospitality club members. Although they didn't offfer us any hospitality (apart from the initial lift), they dropped us in the middle of nowhere.

We were cold and tired and considering putting up a tent in the dark, Sylwia (who incidently is being a very well behaved girl..) begged a truck to stop.. and sure enough it did. A Turkish guy driving to Istanbul, he took us through Slovakia and Hungary through the night to the Romanian border by Oradea. A really nice, calm and old guy who unfortunately was fined 15 euros for having two passengers by Slovakian cunt border guards. He was going to sleep just after the Roomanian border, so he dropped us there at 4 am ( 5 am romanian time).. we changed some money, went for a piss and had some drinks then started hitching again.

Waited a while outside this dodgy "nightclub" with some of the laziest dogs hanging around in the road and almost getting run over all the time, finally a custom officer stopped and took us to the other side of Oradea. After about 30 minutes, we got a lift all the way to Cluj from a Hungarian/Romanian guy driving his BMW insanely fast through all the mountain roads.

We hit Cluj at 10, now we're staying with our host from HC.. off to Bucharest tomorrow. Must have had about 2 hours sleep max because I was sitting crushed on the floor of the truck but the Hard Rock Cafe calls.


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